Ecological surveys, assessments and monitoring | DGL Ecological Consultants

Ecological surveys, assessments and reports – call DGL today.

We offer a wide range of ecological consultancy services, including ecological surveys and reports in support of planning applications, Environmental Impact Assessments, ecological research and analysis, habitat creation and restoration consultancy and ecological monitoring .

Our ecological consultancy work draws on extensive scientific and field-based experience gained from many years practical habitat and species management, ecological study and research, professional consultancy and a detailed understanding of the factors that influence and act upon our habitats, species and ecosystems.

Our ecology surveys are conducted by expert staff and our ecology reports are delivered in a clear, concise style using unambiguous language that allows the reader to easily appraise the key points.

In the development sector, we work closely with planners, architects, landscape architects, house builders, site staff and a range of development clients at all stages of the project process to deliver cost-effective, value-added designs with ecological sustainability at their heart.

Combining both ecology and arboriculture with an in-depth knowledge of the landscape design and masterplanning process, we are exceptionally well-positioned to provide fully integrated solutions that avoid any potential conflict between these related fields.

Click on a link below to find out more about the ecology surveys and services we offer, or visit our arboriculture, tree surveys and woodland management pages to learn more about these aspects of our work.

  • ‘UKHab’ and Phase 1 habitat survey & Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA); Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
  • Protected species surveys
  • Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) and ES chapters
  • Ecological Mitigation and Monitoring
  • Ecological Research
  • Management Plans
  • Habitat creation, restoration and translocation