A DGL Environment Tree Safety Survey provides tree owners and managers with a professional response to the issue of liability arising from ownership of trees. We conduct detailed tree safety assessments for individual trees, as well as large-scale tree safety surveys of trees in public open spaces, urban areas, large woodlands and estates. In each case, we use established tree risk assessment methodologies, tailored to suit the scale and needs of the project or client.
Where potential structural defects cannot easily be seen from the ground, consultants may recommend a climbed inspection to determine the level of risk associated with a particular branch or feature. Qualified staff are able to carry out climbed inspections & trees where required, to investigate features at close quarters.

Integrating arboricultural and ecological consultancy, we provide our clients with a complete service which incorporates assessment of ecological considerations, including the potential presence of protected species such as bats. Where required, detailed climbed inspection for bats can be undertaken by qualified tree climbing personnel holding current bat handling and disturbance licenses.
See our tree management pages for further information on the services we offer to assist our clients in the positive management of trees and woodlands.