Some of our recent or current projects include:
Preparation of Species Action Plans for 5 different species for the Stepping Stones Project in South Shropshire.
Implementation consultant for a 4.5 year habitat restoration project across six designated conservation sites within Shropshire, on behalf of the Stiperstones and Corndon Hill Country’ Landscape Partnership Scheme.
BS5837:2012 tree surveys, together with detailed Arboricultural Impact Assessments and Method Statements for an extensive range of clients including: Transport for London, Roger Parry and Partners, architects, housing developers and private clients.
Tree safety surveys and aerial (climbed) tree inspections for the National Trust estate in Shropshire, and a wide range of ground-based tree safety surveys for clients such as Hyder Consulting, the Mid-Wales Trunk Road Agency (MWTRA), Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Shropshire Hills National Landscape, The Hales Estate and a range of housing associations.
Specialist European Protected Species surveys including Otter surveys on behalf of the Shropshire Hills AONB and Great Crested Newt surveys for Shropshire Council and their partners.
Aerial bat surveys – as licensed bat workers and fully qualified tree climbers, we undertake a large number of specialist climbed inspections of trees, to inspect suitable features for current or former evidence of use by bats. We are the consultant of choice for Hankinson Duckett Associates on behalf of a range of clients including: Bloor Homes, Barton Willmore, Redrow Homes, Berkeley Group and Lands Improvement Holdings, and have undertaken similar work for National Grid, Bruton Knowles, the National Trust and many others.
Ecological Clerk of Works duties to Western Power Distribution on a number of 33kV powerline projects within Wales and the West Midlands.
Preparation of a detailed Woodland Appraisal Report for, which mapped and described existing woodland cover within a 24ha site in Wales, and provided an assessment and recommendations used to help guide the future management of the site, towards the re-creation of a mosaic of natural habitats including areas of woodland, grassland, scrub and open ground.
Strategic conservation project design – ‘Rescuing Rocks and Overgrown Relics’ – consultancy covering project conception, development and design, multi-partner liaison, preparation of project budgets, presentation and reporting of detailed project proposals — resulting in a successful £250,000 application to the WREN-Biodiversity Action Fund to restore three UKBAP Priority Habitats within Shropshire.